The Main Moral Defects of America Began in the 1607 Jamestown Colony.

But God Has Given His People a Way to Heal Our Nation.

This is a detailed biblical and historical analysis of the sins of the 1607 Jamestown Colony that first shaped the spiritual makeup of the United States of America.

This easy-to-read, well-documented history book maps out the roots of America’s major sin patterns that all began in that colony.  These sins patterns have corrupted the soul of America today.

Healing America’s Soul describes how God can heal our nation when His people repent for the current and past versions of those sins according to God’s promises in Lev. 26:40-42 and II Chronicles 7:14.

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As a printed book and Kindle book

Historian & Historical Fiction Writer

Bob Fox

For over 37 years, my wife and I have lived in the Tidewater/Hampton Roads area of Virginia—about 45 minutes from Jamestown, Virginia. In the 50-plus years that Beth and I have been married, God has blessed us with four godly children and thirteen wonderful grandchildren. Beth is a talented artist, math teacher and my best friend.

I’ve been a Catholic seminarian, Marine F-4 recon pilot during the Vietnam War, a Naval Reserve Chaplain, database administrator, painting contractor, and for over 30 years, a Protestant church pastor/networker in several denominations. Along the way, I’ve earned a BA in History and a Masters of Divinity— but falling in love with God at a young age has taught me the most important things in life.

In 1992, I began helping pastors in Hampton Roads to pray and work together. This opened my eyes to see the spiritual obstacles that were holding back the Kingdom of God here. I discovered that the roots of sin in our region and in America began in the 1607 Jamestown Colony, 45 minutes from my home. After 3000 hours of research and writing, this book emerged in 2004 as Healing America’s DNA. Healing America’s Soul is the updated 2023 version.

Ironically, like the original Jamestown settlers, I also was born in Great Britain (Scotland) and sailed to America as a British citizen by ship! After moving here, I always had a sense that the history of this region was part of the reason God brought me here.

My greatest passion has always been to help people around the world make it to heaven through a real relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ. I pray that these books will somehow help send the Gospel around the world through a revived, praying and repentant American Church.

Another Great Awakening is coming!

Angel 24

PS. When I wrote this book in 2004, I had no idea that a year later God would lead me to write a novel based on it. Sixteen years later, Angel 24 was published. It is a very creative and fun read for children and adults. It’s the familiar story of Pocahontas, Captain John Smith and the Jamestown Colony as you have never heard it—from the viewpoint of angels and demons!  Yet, it has the same purpose as Healing America’s Soul: to show the power of confession and repentance for sin to restore our land. 

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Angel 24

Bob’s newest novel. A supernatural, historic thriller.

Click here to learn more.

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